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Tonneau Covers. Other liners include carpet mats or liners and rubber mats as well. Either as a mat works well over the top of more costly liners to keep the liner looking good and to add another layer of protection for the truck bed too. Spray on liners can't be beat for looks. It means it can be repaired. These are the way to keep the weather off the bed and protect cargo at the same time.. That doesn't mean the liner can't be damaged though. It's easier to prevent the damage than it is to repair it. Make sure the liner you pick drains well and make certain the liner has access to the drain holes in the bed so you can be sure they stay clear and pools don't form in the bed.. Bed protection comes in several forms.Pickup beds just naturally take a beating. Rubber mats are the toughest choice. That's one reason many new trucks come home with some bed protection system already in place.. They also turn a truck bed into a giant locked vault if you pick the right China Plain Fabrics Series Suppliers model. What with all the sliding of cargo and abuse, it's no wonder truck beds rust and come apart. For really rough hauling, other liners may be better. Carpet is the luxury look and feel. Why the hard covers can be had with electrical actuation for push button remote access for easy use even when your arms are full. Pickup beds need help to stay new looking or to get the new look back. Protecting truck bed paint makes some kind of liner almost a must if you use your truck for even the most casual hauling. It's easier to prevent the damage than to fix it too. It's a tough coat as well. In fact, it's often guaranteed for life. Popular choices range from inexpensive but very functional soft tonneau covers like those from Extang to the metal retractable covers like the ones from Pace Edwards and others. That's an excellent option.. Bed Liners. Unlike spray coatings many plastic bed liners are not only almost impossible to hurt, the liners protect from dents better than more expensive spray coatings. Here are other considerations to keep a truck looking good for a long time.. These are the drop in liners custom made for each truck. Tonneaus add the finishing touch to the look of trucks too. These covers won't eliminate the need for a liner, but add even more bed protection. . Look out though, water sometimes accumulates under the lining and then here comes the rusty mess. Often the cost of protection from either pickup truck accessory will be easily justified just from the protection afforded to the bed paint and the reduced risk of rust and corrosion.. After all, dent a bed and you really have trouble and an expensive repair on your hands. For example, plastic bed liners are all but impossible to damage. Bed liners and tonneau covers protect cargo and truck beds too. Many people choose professional spray on bed liners, especially for newer vehicles